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  • 所  在  系:数字经济与智能商务系
  • 邮       箱:is_junzhang@whu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址:十大网赌信誉官网排名516办公室
  • 主       页:


章骏,男,1990年7月生,十大网赌信誉官网排名副教授。2016年于香港城市大学信息系统系获得博士学位,此后曾任职于香港大学、中国科学技术大学。主要研究方向包括信息隐私与信息安全、网络霸凌、电子健康、人机交互等。相关研究发表于Information Systems Research (UTD-24),以及Journal of Management Information Systems (FT-50)等管理信息系统领域国际高水平期刊及会议。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,并参与国家自然科学基金创新群体项目、科技部重点研发项目。现任期刊Communications of the Association for Information Systems副编辑,以及中国信息经济学会第八届理事会理事。









·信息隐私与安全(information privacy & information security)

·人机交互(Human-computer interaction)

·互联网越轨行为(Online deviant behaviors)

·科技在电子健康领域的应用(IT-enabled health behavior change)



lPaul Benjamin Lowry*,Jun Zhang, Chuang Wang, and Mikko Siponen. (2016), Why Do Adults Engage in Cyberbullying on Social Media? An Integration of Online Disinhibition and Deindividuation Effects with the Social Structure and Social Learning (SSSL) Model.Information Systems Research(ISR, UTD-24),27(4), 962-986.

lPaul Benjamin Lowry,Jun Zhang*, Gregory D. Moody, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Chuang Wang, Tailai Wu (2019). An integrative theory addressing cyberharassment in light of technology-based opportunism.Journal of Management Information Systems(JMIS, FT-50), 36(4), 1142–1178.

lChuang Wang#,Jun Zhang*#, Matthew K.O. Lee, (2021) Time flies when chatting online: a social structure and social learning model to understand excessive use of mobile instant messaging,Information Technology & People (ITP), Forthcoming.

lDezhi Wu, Gregory Moody,Jun Zhang*, Paul Benjamin Lowry. The Influence of Security Notifications and Mobile App Interface Design on Perceived Security, 2020, 57(5),Information & Management (I&M), 103235.

lPaul Benjamin Lowry*,Jun Zhang, and Tailai Wu. (2017). Nature or Nurture? A Meta-analysis of the Factors that Maximize the Prediction of Digital Piracy by Using Social Cognitive Theory as a Framework. 68(March),Computers in Human Behavior, 104-120.

lJun Zhang, Dezhi Wu, Nicholas Brown, Paul Benjamin Lowry, and Gregory D. Moody. (2020), “Remind Me Later” in Mobile Security Notifications: What Factors Lead to Users’ Deferred Security Coping Behavior? Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Virtual Conference.

lWu, Dezhi,Jun Zhang, Paul Benjamin Lowry, and Gregory D. Moody. (2020) "'Human'in Information Security: Using the Inoculation Defense to Confer Resistance Against Phishing Attacks." In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Virtual Conference.

lLiu Jing,Jun Zhang*(corresponding author), Jingzhi Zhang (2019) Validating a Control-Based Model of Information Security Policy Compliance – A Meta-Analysis, 2019 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany.

lJun Zhang*, Qiqi Jiang, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Yongjun Li (2018). Gamified Double-Edged Sword: Exploring the Different Social Comparison Motives of Mobile Fitness App Users, SIGHCI 2018 Proceedings, San Francisco, USA, December 12.

lJun Zhang*, Qiqi Jiang, Wenping Zhang, Lele Kang, Xiong Zhang, Paul Benjamin Lowry. How Gamified Fitness Features Influence the System Usage: A Field Experimental Approach, The 3rd Pre-ICIS Workshop on the Digitization of the Individual (DOTI), San Francisco, December 12, 2018

lChuang Wang,Jun Zhang*(corresponding author) (2018). Regulate Privacy in SNS: Privacy Control on the Self-Boundary and the Dyadic-Boundary. Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Information Security and Privacy, San Francisco, USA, December 13.

lJun Zhang*and Paul Benjamin Lowry (2016). Designing Quantified-Self 2.0 Running Platform to Ensure Physical Activity Maintenance: The Role of Achievement Goals and Achievement Motivational Affordance, 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), Chiayi, Taiwan, June 27 – July 1.

lJun Zhang*and Paul Benjamin Lowry (2015). The Role of Three Forms of Self-Efficacy in Improving Longitudinal Health Performance: Designing a Quantified-Self 2.0 Health Community with a Motivational Affordance Perspective, Proceedings of the JAIS Theory Development Workshop at ICIS 2015, Fort Worth, TX, December 13.

lJun Zhang*, Victor Dibia, Alexey Sodnomov, and Paul Benjamin Lowry (2015). Understanding the Disclosure of Private Healthcare Information within Online Quantified Self 2.0 Platforms, 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), Singapore, July 5–9.

lPaul Benjamin Lowry,Jun Zhang, Chuang Wang, Tailai Wu, and Mikko Siponen (2013). Understanding and Predicting Cyberstalking in Social Media: Integrating Theoretical Perspectives on Shame, Neutralization, Self-Control, Rational Choice, and Social Learning, The JAIS Theory Development Workshop at ICIS 2013, Milan, Italy, December 15.

#—co-first authors; *—(corresponding author).


l主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目,社交网络霸凌的成因、传播及防控措施研究:基于社交网络极化的视角,48万元,72171217, 2022-2025,在研。

l主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目,健身APP对用户运动行为的影响机制研究,18万元,71801205, 2019-2021,已结题(后评估阶段)。


l参与,国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,平台化供应链的信息系统和行为机理研究, 670万元,2020-2024,在研。



1.Associate Editor: Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) (2021-至今)


3.Guest Associate Editor(2019-2020): European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS): special issues onGetting Serious about Gamification: Putting more than mere ‘Fun and Games’ into Systems

4.Associate Editorfor PACIS 2021: Information Privacy and Security track

5.Associate Editorfor ECIS 2020: Information Privacy and Security track

6.Mini-Track Co-Chairfor AMCIS 2019: The Dark Usage of Information Technology

7.Associate Editorfor ICIS 2018: Human Behavior and IS track

8.Journal and Conference Reviewer:

·Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ)

·Information Systems Research (ISR)

·Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)

·Journal of Business Ethics (JBE)

·Information Systems Journal (ISJ)

·European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)

·Decision Support Systems (DSS)

·Information & Management (I&M)

·Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS)

·International Journal of Information Management (IJIM)

·Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA)

·Journal of Organizational Computing and Electron Commerce (JOCEC)

·Computers in Human Behavior (CHB)

·Information Technology & People (IT&P)

·Internet Research (IR)

·Journal of Marketing Management (JMM)

·Transportation Research Part E (TRE)

·International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)

·European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

·Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)


人才项目 邮箱 is_junzhang@whu.edu.cn
办公地址 十大网赌信誉官网排名516办公室 所在系 数字经济与智能商务系
职称 副教授 主页
学校 国籍