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  • 所  在  系:数字经济与智能商务系
  • 邮       箱:nanwang@whu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址:十大网赌信誉官网排名607办公室
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王楠,博士,副教授。2008年获得安徽大学管理学学士学位和文学学士学位,2015年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学和香港城市大学联合培养项目。研究兴趣横跨信息系统相关的多个领域,包括移动平台的技术采纳行为,企业电子商务平台技术的采纳行为,电子商务中的推荐系统设计等。现已发表SSCI或 SCI检索论文7篇,包括Decision Support Systems,International Journal of Information Management,Computers in Human Behavior; Journal of Electronic Commerce Research; Online Information Review,Electronic Markets; CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking等。





1. Wang, N., Shen, X., Sun, Y. (2013) "Transition of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Services from Web to Mobile Context: A Trust Transfer Perspective," Decision Support Systems (54:3), pp. 1394-1403.

2. Sun, Y., Wang, N.*, and Peng, Z. (2011) "Working for One Penny: Understanding Why People Would Like to Participate in Online Tasks with Low Payment," Computers in Human Behavior (27:2), pp. 1033-1041.

3. Sun, Y., Wang, N.*, Guo, X., Peng, Z. (2013) "Understanding the Acceptance of Mobile Health Services: A Comparison and Integration of Alternative Models," Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (14:2), pp. 183-200.

4. Shen, X., Wang, N.*, Sun, Y., Xiang, L. (2013) "Unleash the Power of Mobile Word-of-Mouth: An Empirical Study of System and Information Characteristics in Ubiquitous Decision Making," Online Information Review (37:1), pp. 42-60.

5. Shen, X., Sun, Y., Wang, N. (2013) "The Impact of Contextual Offer on the Acceptance of Mobile Review Platform: A Customer Value Perspective," CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (16:5), pp. 349-356.

6. Guo, X., Sun, Y., Wang, N., Peng, Z., Yan, Z. (2013) "The Dark Side of Elderly Acceptance of Mobile Health Services: The Role of Technology Anxiety and Resistance to Change," Electronic Markets (23:1), pp. 49-61.

7. Sun, Y., and Wang, N.*(2012) "Trust in Online Shopping Behavior," Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior, Yan, Z (ed.), IGI Global, pp. 456-465.


1. Sun, Y., Shen, X., Wang, N. "Dealing with the Web – Mobile Services Transition: The Role of Operational Consistency," The Seventeenth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2013), Jeju Island, Korea, June 18-22, 2013.

2. Guo, X., Sun, Y., Yuan, J., Yan, Z., Wang, N. "Privacy – Personalization Paradox in Adoption of Mobile Health Service: The Mediating Role of Trust," The Sixteenth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2012), Hochiminh City, Vietnam, July 11-15, 2012.

3. Sun, Y., Wang, N., Yin, C., Che, T. "Investigating the Non-Linear Relationships in the Expectancy Theory: The Case of Crowdsourcing Marketplace," The Eighteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS2012), Seattle, Washington, August 9-11, 2012.

4. Yang, J., Huang, L., Shi, Y., Wang, N., Tan, C.H., Sia, C.L. (August 2012), "Understanding Factors Influencing an SME to Continue Adopting the B2B Marketplace to Maintain its Presence," The Eighteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS2012), Seattle, Washington, August 9-11, 2012.

5. Sia, C. L., Tan, C. H., Yang, J., Shi, Y., Wei, J., and Wang, N. "Leveraging Social Grouping for Organizational Endorsement in Mobile Commerce across Cultures: Transforming Outgroups into Ingroups", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Mobile Business, Athens, Greece, pp. 487-492, 2010.

人才项目 邮箱 nanwang@whu.edu.cn
办公地址 十大网赌信誉官网排名607办公室 所在系 数字经济与智能商务系
职称 副教授 主页
学校 国籍