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  • 所  在  系:信息管理科学系
  • 邮       箱:bmiwhu@163.com
  • 办公地址:十大网赌信誉官网排名404办公室
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卢龙,男,北京大学学士、美国华盛顿大学(圣路易)医学院博士、美国耶鲁大学博士后。现任十大网赌信誉官网排名教授、博士生导师,十大网投正规信誉官网下载健康大数据研究中心主任。卢博士的实验室致力于运用计算的方法研究和指导治疗人类疾病,专注于分析生物学和医学大数据、开发计算机算法、以及应用机器学习的方法进行预测和诊断。这些算法和技术已经被成功地应用于传染病、心血管疾病和儿童发育障碍等疾病的研究,正在成为辅助医生诊断和治疗的有效工具,并具有商业价值。卢博士实验室主持实施了逾600万美元的由美国国家卫生研究署(NIH)、美国国家科学基金(NSF)和私人基金会资助的多项重大科研项目。已主持或参与实施了国家级人才计划、科技部重点研发计划、国家自科基金创新群体/重点/面上项目、国家社科基金重大项目等科研项目10余项。发表包括Science、Information Sciences在内的高质量SCI学术论文80余篇(H指数32,总引用次数超过4000次),拥有10多项国内外专利。研究工作被多家国际媒体报道,包括美国国家公共电台新闻、《科技学人》杂志、《基因组与蛋白质组》杂志、美国雅虎新闻和英国路透社新闻。多次应邀担任美国NIH、NSF、加拿大自然科学和工程研究委员会(NSERC)、法国国家研究署(ANR)、波兰国家科学中心(NCN)和香港科技创新署(ITC)基金评审专家。应邀担任科技部、国家自然科学基金、国家自然科学奖和长江学者奖励计划评审专家。担任包括《美国科学院院报》在内的40多家科技杂志的审稿专家。应邀在美国和中国著名大学、国家实验室、制药公司和国际会议做学术报告70多次。目前研究课题包括医学影像数据分析算法开发;多模态生物医学数据融合研究;颅脑疾病自动诊断与康复方案推荐;恶性脑瘤单细胞组学分析;高密度脂肪蛋白网络与功能研究等。




1.Hu L, Liang H andLu L*. Splicing Learning: A novel few-shot learning approach. Information Sciences. 2021 Apr, Vol 552, p17-28(通讯作者;SCI计算机1区Top)

2.Yeo SK, Zhu X, Okamoto T, Hao M,Lu LJ*and Guan JL*. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of mammary tumors reveals distinct patterns of hierarchical and subtype heterogeneity. eLife. 2020;9:e58810(共同通讯作者;SCI生物1区Top)

3.Li X, Lu P, Hu L, Huang T andLu L*. Factors associated with mental health results among workers with incomes losses exposed to COVID-19 in China. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 Aug 4;17(15):5627(通讯作者,SSCI 1区)

4.Chen T, Chen Y, Yuan M, Gerstein M, Li T, Liang H, Froehlich T andLu L*. Towards developing a practical artificial intelligence tool for diagnosing and evaluating autism spectrum disorder: A study using multicenter ABIDE II datasets. JMIR Medical Informatics 2020 May 8;8(5):e15767(通讯作者,SCI医学信息学2区)

5.Ren S, Kang E andLu JL*. MCEN: a method of simultaneous variable selection and clustering for high-dimensional multinomial regression. Statistics and Computing. 2019: 1-14.(通讯作者;SCI数学2区;统计学与概率论2区)

6.Swertfeger DK, Rebholz S, Li H, Shah AS, Davidson WS andLu LJ*. Feasibility of a plasma bioassay to assess oxidative protection of low-density lipoproteins by high-density lipoproteins. Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2018 Nov - Dec;12(6):1539-1548.(通讯作者;SCI医学2区Top;药学1区)

7.Ren S, Haynes E, Hall E, Hossain M, Chen A, Muglia L,Lu Land DeFranco E, Periconception exposure to air pollution and risk of congenital malformations. Journal of Pediatrics. 2018 Feb; 193:76-84.e6.(资深作者,SCI医学2区Top;英国路透社新闻报道)

8.Guo X, Dominick KC, Minai AA, Li H, Erickson CA andLu LJ*, A deep neural network model with a novel feature selection method based on multiple auto-encoders for predicting autism spectrum disorder from brain resting-state functional connectivity patterns. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2017 Aug 21; 11:460.(通讯作者;SCI医学2区)

9.Swertfeger DK, Li H, Rebholz S, Zhu X, Shah AS, Davidson WS andLu LJ*. Mapping atheroprotective functions and related proteins/lipoproteins in size fractionated human plasma. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 2017 Apr; 16(4):680-693.(通讯作者;SCI生物2区Top)

10.Li L, Fang Z, Zhou J, Chen H, Hu Z, Gao L, Chen L, Ren S, Ma H,Lu L, Zhang W, and Peng H. An accurate and efficient method for large-scale SSR genotyping and applications. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017 Jun 2; 45(10):e88.(资深作者;SCI生物1区Top)


2021 全国妇幼健康科学技术奖,一等奖

2019 中国产学研合作促进会,创新个人奖

2017 《科学中国人》年度人物,杰出青年科学家奖

2016 国家级人才计划;武汉市黄鹤英才

2014 湖北省楚天学者

单篇被引超100次的部分论文代表作(共11篇;Google Scholar)

1.Lu L, Lu H and Skolnick J. MultiPropsector: An algorithm for the prediction of protein-protein interactions by multimeric threading. Proteins: Structure, Functions, Genetics. 2002 Nov 15;49(3):350-64. PMID: 12360525 (309)

2.Lu L, Arakaki AK, Lu H and Skolnick J. Multimeric threading-based prediction of protein-protein interactions on a genomic scale: Application to S. cerevisiae. Genome Research. 2003 Jun 1;13(6a):1146-54. (155)

3.Lu LJ, Xia Y, Paccanaro A, Yu H and Gerstein M. (2005b) Assessing the limits of genomic integration for predicting protein-protein interactions. Genome Research. 2005 Jul 1;15(7):945-53. (259)

4.Kim PM,Lu LJ, Xia Y and Gerstein M. Relating three-dimensional structures to protein networks provides evolutionary insights. Science. 2006 Dec 22;314(5807):1938-41. (532)

5.Gordon SM, Deng J,Lu LJand Davidson WS. Proteomic characterization of human plasma High Density Lipoprotein fractionated by gel filtration chromatography. Journal of Proteome Research. 2010 Aug 31;9(10):5239-49. (209)

6.Deng J, Deng L, Su S, Zhang M, Minai A, Lin X, Hassett DJ andLu LJ*. Investigating the predictability of essential genes across distantly related organisms using an integrative approach. Nucleic Acids Research. 2010 Sep 23;39(3):795-807. (115)

7.Shah AS, Tan L,Long JLand Davidson WS. The proteomic diversity of high density lipoproteins: Our emerging understanding of its importance in lipid transport and beyond. Journal of Lipid Research. 2013 Oct 1;54(10):2575-85. (311)

8.Ren S, Hinzman AA, Kang EL, Szczesniak RD andLu LJ*. Computational and statistical analysis of metabolomics data. Metabolomics. 2015 Dec 1;11(6):1492-513. (149)


人才项目 邮箱 bmiwhu@163.com
办公地址 十大网赌信誉官网排名404办公室 所在系 信息管理科学系
职称 教授 主页
学校 国籍