Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072

Lin Zhang

2018-09-20 10:20:07


Lin Zhang

Academic / job titles

Full Professor, School of Information Management, Wuhan University

Guest Professor, Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM), KU Leuven

Director, Center for Science, Technology & Education Assessment (CSTEA)

Contact Information

Room No: Room 615, School of Information Management, Wuhan University

Research Gate:

Google Scholar:


• Quantitative studies of science;

• Research policy;

• Bibliometrics: methods and application

Lin Zhang is a full-professor at Dept. Information Management of Wuhan University in China and a guest professor at the Center for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM) at KU Leuven in Belgium. Her research interests include bibliometrics, research evaluation, and research policy, particularly interdisciplinarity measurements, researcher career analysis, and Chinese research policy. She currently services at the international journal ofScientometricsas co-editor-in-chief. She is the editorial board member of some international journals, includingQuantitative Science Studies,Journal of Data and Information Science, the advisory member of the International Center for the Study of Research (ICSR). She is a board member of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), the vice-director of the Chinese Association for Scientometrics and Informetrics, and the board member of directors of the Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy (CASSSP). She is the Principal Investigator for several national projects funded by the National Science Foundation of China on the topics of Quantitative Science Studies and research policy. She is awarded as the Outstanding Young Scholar, by China Association for Science of Science and Technology Policy in 2021.

In recent years, she has published more than 80 academic papers in peer-review journals and conferences. She is selected asthe 2021 Highly Cited Chinese Researchersby Elsevier.

1. Selected Journal Publications (International)

[1] Lin Zhang*, Zhenyu Gou, Zhichao Fang, Gunnar Sivertsen, Ying Huang. Who tweets scientific publications? A large-scale study of tweeting audiences in all areas of research. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2023,

[2] Ying Huang, Xiaoting Liu, Ruinan Li, Lin Zhang. The science of team science (SciTS): An emerging and evolving field of interdisciplinary collaboration. Profesional De La información, 2023, 32(2).

[3] Ruinan Li, Raf Guns, Tim C. E. Engels, Lin Zhang, Ying Huang. Tracking the featured topics of the International Science of Team Science conference series and their evolution during 2010–2019. Scientometrics, 2023, 128, 2447–2469.

[4] Si Shen, Jiangfeng Liu, Litao Lin, Ying Huang, Lin Zhang, Chang Liu, Yutong Feng, Dongbo Wang. SsciBERT: a pre-trained language model for social science texts. Scientometrics, 2023, 128, 1241–1263.

[5] Ying Huang, Yashan Li, Jinge Mao, Ruinan Li, Lin Zhang*. The dynamics of policy coordination: The case of China’s science and technology policy-making. Science and Public Policy, 2023, 50(2): 177-193

[6] Ronald Rousseau, Lin Zhang*, Gunnar Sivertsen. Using the weighted Lorenz curve to represent balance in collaborations: the BIC indicator. Scientometrics, 2023, 128, 609–622.

[7] Lin Zhang, Fan Qi, Ying Huang, Bart Van Looy, Lixin Chen, Ozcan Saritas. Chinese public university patents during 2006-2020: a comprehensive investigation and comparative study. Science and Public Policy, 2023, 50(3), 416-32.

[8] Loet Leydesdorff, Lin Zhang, Paul Wouters. Trajectories and regimes in research versus knowledge evaluations: Contributions to an evolutionary theory of citation. Profesional De La información, 2022, 32(1).

[9] Wenjing Zhao, Lili Wang, Lin Zhang*. How does academia respond to the burden of infectious and parasitic disease?. Health Research Policy and Systems, 2022, 20, 89.

[10] Lin Zhang, Mengting Sun, Yujie Peng, Wenjing Zhao, Lixin Chen, Ying Huang*. How public investment fuels innovation: Clues from government-subsidized USPTO patents. Journal of Informetrics, 2022, 16(3): e101313.

[11] Lin Zhang*, Yahui Wei, Ying Huang, Gunnar Sivertsen. Should open access lead to closed research? The trends towards paying to perform research. Scientometrics, 2022, 127, 7653–7679.

[12] Lin Zhang*, Yahui Wei, Gunnar Sivertsen, Ying Huang. The motivations and criteria behind China's list of questionable journals.Learned Publishing, 2022,

[13] Wenjing Zhao,Lin Zhang*, Junling Wang, Lili Wang.How has academia responded to the urgent needs created by COVID-19? A multi-level global, regional and national analysis.Journal of Information Science, 2022,

[14] Ying Huang, Ruinan Li, Fang Zou, Lidan Jiang, Alan L. Porter,Lin Zhang*.Technology life cycle analysis: From the dynamic perspective of patent citation networks.Technology Forecasting & Social Change, 2022

[15] Yuanyuan Shang, Gunnar Sivertsen, Zhe Cao,Lin Zhang*.Gender differences among first authors in research focused on the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality.Scientometrics, 2022

[16] Lin Zhang*, Beibei Sun, Fei Shu, Ying Huang. Comparing paper level classifications across different methods and systems: an investigation of Nature publications,Scientometrics, 2022,

[17] Lin Zhang*, Yuanyuan Shang, Ying Huang, Gunnar Sivertsen. Gender differences among active reviewers: an investigation based on publons.Scientometrics, 2022, 127: 145-179.

[18] Yashan Li, Jinge Mao, Lin Zhang*, Dongbo Wang, Si Shen, Ying Huang. How scientific research incorporates policy: an examination using the case of China’s science and technology evaluation system, Scientometrics, 2022,

[19] Caroline S. Wagner,Lin Zhang, Loet Leydesdorff. A discussion of measuring the top-1% most-highly cited publications: quality and impact of Chinese papers.Scientometrics, 2022, 127(4): 1825-1839.

[20] Lin Zhang*, Loet Leydesdorff*. The scientometric measurement of interdisciplinarity and diversity in the research portfolios of Chinese Universities.Journal of Data and Information Science, 2021, 6(4): 13-35.

[21] Lin Zhang, Yuanyuan Shang, Ying Huang*, Gunnar Sivertsen. Toward internationalization: A bibliometric analysis of the social sciences in Mainland China from 1979 to 2018.Quantitative Science Studies, 2021, 2(1): 376-408.

[22] Ying Huang, Ruinan Li, Lin Zhang*, Gunnar Sivertsen. A comprehensive analysis of the journal evaluation system in China.Quantitative Science Studies, 2021, 2(1): 300-326.

[23] Lin Zhang, Beibei Sun, Lidan Jiang, Ying Huang.On the relationship between interdisciplinarity and impact: Distinct effects on academic and broader impact,Research Evaluation, 2021,30(3): 256-268.

[24] Lin Zhang*, Gunnar Sivertsen, Huiying Du, Ying Huang, Wolfgang Glänzel. Gender differences in the aims and impacts of research.Scientometrics, 2021, 126: 8861-8886.

[25] Ying Huang,Wolfgang Glänzel,Lin Zhang*.Tracing the development of mapping knowledge domains.Scientometrics, 2021, 126: 6201-6224.

[26] Ronald Rousseau,Lin Zhang*. Bilateral co-authorship indicators based on fractional counting.Journal of data and information science, 2021, 6(1):1-12.

[27] Loet Leydesdorff, Caroline S. Wagner,Lin Zhang*. Are university rankings statistically significant? A comparison among Chinese universities and with the USA.Journal of data and information science, 2021, 6(2):67-95.

[28] Lin Zhang, Wenjing Zhao, Beibei Sun, Ying Huang,Wolfgang Glänzel. How scientific research reacts to international public health emergencies: A global analysis of response patterns.Scientometrics, 2020,124(1): 747-773.

[29] Ying Huang, Lixin Chen,Lin Zhang*, Patent citation inflation: The phenomenon, its measurement, and relative indicators to temper its effects.Journal of Informetrics, 2020, 14(2): 101015.

[30] Lin Zhang, Wenjing Zhao, Jianhua Liu, Gunnar Sivertsen, Ying Huang. Do national funding organizations properly address the diseases with the highest burden?—Observations from China and the UK.Scientometrics, 2020, 125(2): 1733-1761.

[31] Lin Zhang, Gunnar Sivertsen. The new research assessment reform in China and its implementation.Scholarly Assessment Reports, 2020. DOI:10.31235/

[32] Gunnar Sivertsen, Ronald Rousseau,Lin Zhang*. Measuring scientific contributions with modified fractional counting.Journal of Informetrics, 2019, 13(2): 679-694.

[33] Fei Shu, Charles-Antoine Julien,Lin Zhang, Junping Qiu, Jing Zhang, Vincent Larivière. Comparing journal and paper level classifications of science.Journal of Informetrics, 2019, 13(1): 202-225.

[34] Lin Zhang*, Beibei Sun, Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Lixin Chen, Ying Huang*. Interdisciplinarity and collaboration: On the relationship between disciplinary diversity in departmental affiliations and reference lists.Scientometrics, 2018, 117(1): 271-291.

[35] Giovanni Abramo, Ciriaco Andrea D’Angelo,Lin Zhang*. A comparison of two approaches for measuring interdisciplinary research output: the disciplinary diversity of authors vs the disciplinary diversity of the reference list.Journal of Informetrics, 2018, 12(4):1182-1193.

[36] Wolfgang Glänzel,Lin Zhang. Scientometric research assessment in the developing world: A tribute to Michael J. Moravcsik from the perspective of the twenty-first century.Scientometrics, 2018, 115(3): 1517-1532.

[37] Lin Zhang*, Wolfgang Glänzel. A citation-based cross-disciplinary study on literature aging: part I--the synchronous approach.Scientometrics, 2017, 111(3): 1573-1589.

[38] Lin Zhang*, Wolfgang Glänzel. A citation-based cross-disciplinary study on literature ageing: part II--diachronous aspects.Scientometrics, 2017, 111(3): 1559-1572.

[39] Lin Zhang*, Ronald Rousseau, Gunnar Sivertsen. Science deserves to be judged by its contents, not by its wrapping: Revisiting Seglen's work on journal impact and research evaluation.PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(3): e0174205.

[40] Lin Zhang*, Ronald Rousseau, Wolfgang Glänzel.Diversity of references as an indicator of the interdisciplinarity of journals: Taking similarity between subject fields into account.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2016, 67(5): 1257-1265.

[41] Lin Zhang*, Wolfgang Glänzel, Fred, Y.Ye*.The Dynamic evolution of core documents: an experimental study based on h-related literature (2005–2013).Scientometrics, 2016, 106(1): 369-381.

[42] Jurrien Bakker, Dennis Verhoeven, Lin Zhang. Patent citation indicators: One size fits all?Scientometrics, 2016, 106(1): 187-211.

[43] Bart Thijs, Lin Zhang, Wolfgang Glänzel.Bibliographic coupling and hierarchical clustering for the validation and improvement of subject-classification schemes.Scientometrics, 2015, 105(3): 1453-1467.

[44] Lin Zhang*, Bart Thijs, Wolfgang Glänzel.What does scientometrics share with other “metrics” sciences?Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2013, 64(7): 1515-1518.

[45] XueLi Liu, Meiying Wang,Lin Zhang, Pu Wang, Zhixin Zhou.Journal impact factor: is it only used in China and South Asia?Current Science, 2013: 1480-1484.

[46] Lin Zhang*, Wolfgang Glänzel. Proceeding papers in journals versus the “regular” journal publications.Journal of Informetrics, 2012, 6(1): 88-96.

[47] Lin Zhang*, Wolfgang Glänzel. Where demographics meets scientometrics: Towards a dynamic career analysis.Scientometrics, 2012, 91(2): 617-630.

[48] Lin Zhang*. A tapered diffusion impact indicator: A preliminary exploration on the journal level.Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 2012, 17(3): 67-72.

[49] Wolfgang Glänzel, Ronald Rousseau,Lin Zhang.A visual representation of relative first-citation times.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2012, 63(7): 1420-1425.

[50] Lin Zhang*, Bart Thijs, Wolfgang Glänzel.The diffusion of H-related literature.Journal of Informetrics, 2011, 5(4): 583-593.

[51] Lin Zhang*, Ronald Rousseau, Wolfgang Glänzel.Document-type country profiles.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2011, 62(7): 1403-1411.

[52] Lin Zhang, Xinhai Liu, Frizo Janssens, Liming Liang, Wolfgang Glänzel.Subject clustering analysis based on ISI category classification.Journal of Informetrics, 2010, 4(2): 185-193.

[53] Lin Zhang, Frizo Janssens, Liming Liang, Wolfgang Glänzel.Journal cross-citation analysis for validation and improvement of journal-based subject classification in bibliometric research.Scientometrics, 2010, 82(3): 687-706.

[54] Lin Zhang, Wolfgang Glänzel, Liming Liang.Tracing the role of individual journals in a cross-citation network based on different indicators.Scientometrics, 2009, 81(3): 821.DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2245-y.

[55] Frizo Janssens, Lin Zhang, Wolfgang Glänzel.Hybrid clustering for validation and improvement of subject-classification schemes.Information Processing & Management, 2009, 45(6): 683-702.

[56] Ronald Rousseau, Lin Zhang. Betweenness centrality and Q-measures in directed valued networks. Scientometrics, 2008, 75(3): 575-590.

2. Selected Journal Publications (in Chinese)

[1] Yuanyuan Shang, Lin Zhang*, Zhe Cao, Ying Huang. Three-Dimensional Characteristics of Researchers’ Research Fields Shifts: An Empirical Study Based on NSFC Project Principal Investigators. Library and Information Service, 2023, 67(16): 64-75.

[2] Lin Zhang, Yuxin Han. Exploration of the Research Assessment Reform: Practices and Insights from Research Assessment in Universities Abroad. Social Sciences International, 2023(03): 136-154+245.

[3] Lin Zhang*, Mengting Sun, Ying Huang. The “Paradox of Interdisciplinary”: Concept Definition, Connotation Analysis and Coping Strategy. Science of Science and Management of S.& T., 2023, 44(02): 3-18.

[4] Qi Lv, Yanhong Shangguan, Lin Zhang, Ying Huang*. Interdisciplinary Measurement Based on Automatic Classification of Text Content. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(04): 56-67.

[5] Ying Huang, Ruinan Li, Xiaoting Liu, Lin Zhang*. Science of Team Science (SciTS): Connotations, Progress and Prospects. Library and Information Service, 2022, 66(04): 45-55.

[6] Yuanyuan Shang, Lin Zhang*, Zhe Cao, Wenjing Zhao, Ying Huang. Research on the Characteristics in Scientific Collaboration and the Impact of Articles from High-level Multidisciplinary Academic Journals——Observation from Nature /Science Articles of China and the US.Journal of Modern Information, 2022, 42(02): 163-177.

[7] Ying Huang, Xiuli Gu, Beibei Sun, Lin Zhang*. The Evolution and Prospect of Interdisciplinary Research in China: From the Perspective of Academic Books. Documentation, information& knowledge, 2022, 39(01): 61-72.

[8] Wenjing Zhao, Lin Zhang*, Yuanyuan Shang, Ying Huang. Research on Scientific Collaboration Pattern Between Mainland China and the USA Under Public Health Emergencies. Library and Information Service, 2021, 65(18): 58-70.

[9] Yuanyuan Shang, Ying Huang, Zhe Cao, Lin Zhang*, Ying Huang. An analysis on top-journal articles in China: Multi-level international comparison based on the research topics of 40-year papers. Chinese journal of scientific and technical periodicals, 2021, 32(08): 945-956.

[10] Lin Zhang*, Yujie Peng, Huiying Du, Ying Huang. Technology Convergence: Connotation, Status, Measurement, and the Relationship with Interdisciplinary Science. Library and Information Service, 2021, 65(01): 91-101.

[11] Peng Su, Lin Zhang*. Research on Time Cycle, First Carrier and Research Type of Academic Representative Works: A Case Study of Turing Award. Documentation, information& knowledge, 2021, (01): 66-75.

[12] Lin Zhang, Huiying Du, Yuanyuan Shang & Ying Huang*. Gender Differences in Academic Performance and Impact: An Analysis of the NSFC Project Principal Investigator. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2021,11(03). DOI:10.13365/j.jirm.2021.03.110

[13] Lin Zhang, Mengting Sun, Xiuli Gu, Ying Huang. A Study on the Establishment and Assessment of Inter-disciplines. Universities and Disciplines, 2020, 1(2): 86-101.

[14] Lin Zhang, Yujie Peng, Huiying Du, Ying Huang. Technology Convergence: Connotation,Status,Measurement,and the Relationship with Interdisciplinary Science. Library and Information Service, 2021,65(01):91-101.

[15] Huizhen Fu, Lin Zhang, Zhigang Hu, Jianhua Hou, Jiang Li. Reflection on Scientific Evaluation from the Perspective of Basic Theory. Information and Documentation Services, 2020, 41(2): 31-37.

[16] Lin Zhang, Beibei Sun & Ying Huang. Interdisciplinary research: Connotation, measurement and impact. Science Research Management,2020, 41(07): 279-288.DOI:10.19571/j.cnki.1000-2995.2020.07.031

[17] Lin Zhang, Beibei Sun, Xianwen Wang &Ying Huang. The Impact of Interdisciplinarity: Distinct Effects on Usage and Citation. Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2020, 39(5): 469-477.

[18] Lin Zhang, Gunnar Sivertsen. Combination of Scientometrics and Peer-Review in Research Evaluation: International Experiences and Inspirations. Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2020,39(8): 806-816.

[19] Lin Zhang, Dongdong Liu, Qi Lv, et. al. Interdisciplinarity Measurement in Publications: From Full Reference Analysis to Sectional Reference Analysis. Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2020, 39(5): 492-499.

[20] Xiuli Gu, Ying Huang, Beibei Sun, Lin Zhang*. Interdisciplinary Research in Information Science and Library Science: Progress and Prospects. Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2020, 39(5): 478-491.

[21] Ying Huang,Lin Zhang*,Beibei Sun, Zhinan Wang & Donghua Zhu.Interdisciplinarity measurement: external knowledge integration, internal information convergence and research activity pattern.Studies in Science of Science, in Chinese, 2019, 37(1):16-26. DOI: 10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053.2019.01.005.

[22] Lin Zhang*, Beibei Sun & Ying Huang. Interdisciplinarity measurement based on interdisciplinary collaborations: A case study on highly cited researchers of ESI social sciences. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, in Chinese, 2018, 37(3): 231-242. DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2018.03.001

3. Monograph and book chapters

Lin Zhang, Ying Huang. Interdisciplinarity Measurement, Evaluation and Application. Beijing: Science Press. 2019.

Ronald Rousseau, Lin Zhang & Xiaojun Hu. Knowledge Integration: its meaning and measurement. In W. Glänzel, H. Moed, U. Schmoch, & M. Thelwall (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators. Berlin, Heidelberg, etc.: Springer. 2019.

Lin Zhang, Mengting Sun, Ying Huang, Gunnar Sivertsen. Assessment of social sciences in China. In Tim C.E.Engels & Emanuel Kulczycki (Eds.),Handbook on research assessment in social sciences. UK, Edward Elgar. 2021.

Ying Huang, Ruinan Li, Xiaoting Liu, Lin Zhang*. The journal evaluation systems of social sciences in China. In Tim C. E. Engels & Emanuel Kulczycki (Eds.), Handbook on research assessment in social sciences. UK, Edward Elgar. 2021.

4. Editorial boards

• Editor-in-chief of Scientometrics

• Member of the Editorial Board of Quantitative Science Studies

• Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Data and Information Science

5. Projects (research grant)

[1] NSFC Project:From Indicators to Indicating: Outcome Classification, Collaboration Patterns, and Impact Diffusion of Interdisciplinary Research (72374160), funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant, 2024-2027(Project leader)

[2] NSFC Project:Identifying and monitoring the contribution of scientific grants to the development of basic research (L2224005), funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant, 2023-2024(Project leader)

[3] NSFC Project: Gender differences and influence mechanism in researchers' career development: collaboration, mobility and academic performance (71974150), funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant, 2020-2023(Project leader)

[4] NSSFC Project: Research on construction and intelligent service of science and education evaluation information cloud platform based on big data, 2020-2023(Subproject Leader)

[5] NSFC Project: Measurements of Interdisciplinarity: Knowledge Sources, Information Linkages, and Collaboration activity (71573085), funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant, 2016-2019(Project leader)

[6] NSFC Project: Structure Characteristics and Evolution Trend of Interdisciplinarity based on Hybrid Clustering Technology (71103064), funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant, 2012-2014(Project leader)

[7] Project commissioned by Ministry of Science and Technology: The reform of science and technology evaluation and the pilot work of responsible peer review jointly carried out by the Ministry of science and technology and Hubei province, 2021-2022(Project leader)

[8] Projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education: New Trends in International Research Evaluation Reforms. 2023-2023(Project leader)

[9] Projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education: Evaluation System of University staff combining bibliometrics and Peer Review (Based on International Cases), 2021-2022(Project leader)

[10] Projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education: Construction of university researchers’ scientific research evaluation system under the background of Chinese scientific research evaluation reform, 2021-2022(Project leader)

[11] Key project of social sciences in Hubei Province: Theoretical exploration and practical application of Evaluation combined bibliometrics with peer review in science and technology Evaluation reform, 2022-2023(Project leader)

[12] Key project of social sciences in Hubei Province: Research on the reform of project evaluation, talent evaluation and institution evaluation and the application of peer review guidelines under the background of Scientific research evaluation reform in China, 2021-2022(Project leader)