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Doctoral Student Jiawei Liu’s Paper Won the ACM CCS 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention

2022-12-06 15:08:57

Recently, the 29th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS 2022 was held in Los Angeles, USA. The paperOrder-Disorder: Imitation Adversarial Attacks for Black-box Neural Ranking Modelswas accepted and won the prize of the Best Paper Honorable Mention.Jiawei Liu, a 2020-grade doctoral student of our School, as the first author,Wei Lu, Professor at our School and Jiawei Liu’s instructor, as the correspondence author, Wuhan University is the first affiliation.

With a history of nearly 30 years ACM CCS has a high reputation in the field of system and network security, and has been leading the trend of international information security research.It has been recognized by China Computer Federation as A level international academic conference on network and information security, and it is considered the top four conferences in the field of network security together with IEEE S&P, USENIX Security and NDSS. The Google's H-5 index of ACM CCS is 98, which is the highest in the field of computer security and cryptography journal conferences.

CCS 2022 received a total of 971 valid submissions, and 218 papers were accepted, among which 20 papers won the prize of the Best Paper Honorable Mention.