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"The experience of fighting the epidemic with the people of China is an unforgettable memory of my life"--Hanane Thamik, a Moroccan Youth

2022-11-04 17:42:39

"From agricultural transformation to industrial development, from e-commerce to education, China's practice of getting rid of poverty has fully demonstrated the institutional advantages of China and the wisdom of China people, highlighted the governance capacity of China government, and set an example for other countries in the world."

In February this year, Challenger Weekly, a mainstream Moroccan journal, published an article entitledChina's Poverty Alleviation Practice in the Eyes of a Moroccan Youthto introduce China's poverty reduction achievements to the world. The author of this article isHanane Thamik, a Moroccan girl who is studying for a doctorate in E-commerce at Wuhan University. In China, she prefers to be called by her Chinese name -- Xiaona He.

During her study at Wuhan University, Xiaona He visited Xing County, Lyuliang City, Shanxi Province, organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), and went into farmers' homes and poverty alleviation workshops to get a close look at the poverty alleviation practice here. The local e-commerce poverty alleviation measures attracted her attention.

"The price of agricultural products with distinctive local characteristics has doubled after careful sorting, deep processing andinnovativepackaging. Villagers use Internet retailers and live broadcast platforms to sell these agricultural products, which not only increases their income, but also brings new kinetic energy to rural economic development."

In Xiaona He's view, the China government has vigorously popularized digital infrastructure and organized e-commerce training. Rural e-commerce has developed rapidly and has become an important tool for farmers to get rid of poverty. During this visit, Xiaona He also put forward her own suggestions from aspecializedpoint of view on how to strengthen the construction of rural information service stations, establish poverty alleviation e-commerce stations, and further cultivate e-commerce talents.

"Seeing is believing. Studying in China has made me witness this country with vast territory, abundant resources and large population. I am proud of witnessing the vigorous development of China, and I am extremely proud of this visit with comprehensive understanding."

Living in China for 8 years, Xiaona He has deep feelings for the land under her feet.

An ordinary morning in Wuhan impressed Xiaona He. The sky has just turned white, and there are already pedestrians walking in a hurry on the streets. Sanitation workers are cleaning the streets, taxis are running in the streets, and hot noodles in snack bars are out of the pot ...

"I am deeply impressed by the hard work and perseverance of the people of China. It is these ordinary workers who have created the miracle of China's development."

She believes that it is not easy and no coincidence that China has made amazing development achievements in the past decades.

"The Communist Party of China (CPC)'s leadership has ensured the implementation and continuity of various policies, created a stable development environment, and maintained the country's long-term stability."

During the epidemic prevention and control period of COVID-19, Xiaona He chose to stay in Wuhan and fight the epidemic with the people of China. She donated¥5,000 RMB, and told the world the anti-epidemic story of China with her own experience.

"Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the people of China unite as one to fight the epidemic. The experience of fighting the epidemic with the people of China is an unforgettable memory of my life." Xiaona He said emotionally.

Youth is the future of China-Africa friendship. Xiaona He is a member of the Africa-China Young Leaders Association, which often holds webinars on China-Africa science, technology, business and other topics to build a platform for youth exchanges. Xiaona He writes articles about Africa-China cooperation for the association every week.

"I sincerely hope that young people from all over Africa will fully learn from China's development experience, become the main force of poverty reduction in Africa in the future, promote Africa's economic and social development, and continue the friendship between African and Chinese people from generation to generation." Xiaona He said.

The article was translated from the article published in People’s Daily on August 22, 2022.